如今,对人工神经网络(ANN)的培训已成为科学和工业中许多应用的高度相关算法程序。粗略地说,可以将ANN视为仿射线性函数和某些固定非线性函数之间的迭代组成,这些函数通常是一维所谓的激活函数的多维版本。这样的一维激活函数的最流行选择是整流的线性单元(relu)激活函数,该功能将真实的数字映射到其正零件$ \ mathbb {r} \ ni x \ mapsto \ mapsto \ max \ x,x,0 \ {x,0 } \ in \ mathbb {r} $。在本文中,我们提出并分析了此类relu ANN的标准训练程序的修改变体,从某种意义上说,我们建议将负梯度流动动力学限制为ANN参数空间的大型子序列,这是一个严格的$ c^{{ \ infty} $ -SubManifold的整个ANN参数空间似乎比整个ANN参数空间都享有更好的规律性属性整个ANN参数空间。在只有一维ANN层的浅周围的特殊情况下,我们也为每个Lipschitz连续目标函数证明,ANN参数空间的大型子元中的每个梯度流轨迹都具有全球界限。对于具有Lipschitz连续目标函数的整个ANN参数空间上的标准梯度流,即使在仅具有一维ANN层的浅ANN的情况下,也是一个开放的研究问题,可以证明或反驳梯度流轨迹的全局界限。
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In this paper, we present a modular methodology that combines state-of-the-art methods in (stochastic) machine learning with traditional methods in rule learning to provide efficient and scalable algorithms for the classification of vast data sets, while remaining explainable. Apart from evaluating our approach on the common large scale data sets MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and IMDB, we present novel results on explainable classifications of dental bills. The latter case study stems from an industrial collaboration with Allianz Private Krankenversicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft which is an insurance company offering diverse services in Germany.
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Key Point Analysis(KPA) is a relatively new task in NLP that combines summarization and classification by extracting argumentative key points (KPs) for a topic from a collection of texts and categorizing their closeness to the different arguments. In our work, we focus on the legal domain and develop methods that identify and extract KPs from premises derived from texts of judgments. The first method is an adaptation to an existing state-of-the-art method, and the two others are new methods that we developed from scratch. We present our methods and examples of their outputs, as well a comparison between them. The full evaluation of our results is done in the matching task -- match between the generated KPs to arguments (premises).
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We show how the inherent, but often neglected, properties of large-scale LiDAR point clouds can be exploited for effective self-supervised representation learning. To this end, we design a highly data-efficient feature pre-training backbone that significantly reduces the amount of tedious 3D annotations to train state-of-the-art object detectors. In particular, we propose a Masked AutoEncoder (MAELi) that intuitively utilizes the sparsity of the LiDAR point clouds in both, the encoder and the decoder, during reconstruction. This results in more expressive and useful features, directly applicable to downstream perception tasks, such as 3D object detection for autonomous driving. In a novel reconstruction scheme, MAELi distinguishes between free and occluded space and leverages a new masking strategy which targets the LiDAR's inherent spherical projection. To demonstrate the potential of MAELi, we pre-train one of the most widespread 3D backbones, in an end-to-end fashion and show the merit of our fully unsupervised pre-trained features on several 3D object detection architectures. Given only a tiny fraction of labeled frames to fine-tune such detectors, we achieve significant performance improvements. For example, with only $\sim800$ labeled frames, MAELi features improve a SECOND model by +10.09APH/LEVEL 2 on Waymo Vehicles.
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Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are increasingly used as components of larger software systems that need to process complex data, such as images, written texts, audio/video signals. DNN predictions cannot be assumed to be always correct for several reasons, among which the huge input space that is dealt with, the ambiguity of some inputs data, as well as the intrinsic properties of learning algorithms, which can provide only statistical warranties. Hence, developers have to cope with some residual error probability. An architectural pattern commonly adopted to manage failure-prone components is the supervisor, an additional component that can estimate the reliability of the predictions made by untrusted (e.g., DNN) components and can activate an automated healing procedure when these are likely to fail, ensuring that the Deep Learning based System (DLS) does not cause damages, despite its main functionality being suspended. In this paper, we consider DLS that implement a supervisor by means of uncertainty estimation. After overviewing the main approaches to uncertainty estimation and discussing their pros and cons, we motivate the need for a specific empirical assessment method that can deal with the experimental setting in which supervisors are used, where the accuracy of the DNN matters only as long as the supervisor lets the DLS continue to operate. Then we present a large empirical study conducted to compare the alternative approaches to uncertainty estimation. We distilled a set of guidelines for developers that are useful to incorporate a supervisor based on uncertainty monitoring into a DLS.
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Research connecting text and images has recently seen several breakthroughs, with models like CLIP, DALL-E 2, and Stable Diffusion. However, the connection between text and other visual modalities, such as lidar data, has received less attention, prohibited by the lack of text-lidar datasets. In this work, we propose LidarCLIP, a mapping from automotive point clouds to a pre-existing CLIP embedding space. Using image-lidar pairs, we supervise a point cloud encoder with the image CLIP embeddings, effectively relating text and lidar data with the image domain as an intermediary. We show the effectiveness of LidarCLIP by demonstrating that lidar-based retrieval is generally on par with image-based retrieval, but with complementary strengths and weaknesses. By combining image and lidar features, we improve upon both single-modality methods and enable a targeted search for challenging detection scenarios under adverse sensor conditions. We also use LidarCLIP as a tool to investigate fundamental lidar capabilities through natural language. Finally, we leverage our compatibility with CLIP to explore a range of applications, such as point cloud captioning and lidar-to-image generation, without any additional training. We hope LidarCLIP can inspire future work to dive deeper into connections between text and point cloud understanding. Code and trained models available at https://github.com/atonderski/lidarclip.
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The quality of consequences in a decision making problem under (severe) uncertainty must often be compared among different targets (goals, objectives) simultaneously. In addition, the evaluations of a consequence's performance under the various targets often differ in their scale of measurement, classically being either purely ordinal or perfectly cardinal. In this paper, we transfer recent developments from abstract decision theory with incomplete preferential and probabilistic information to this multi-target setting and show how -- by exploiting the (potentially) partial cardinal and partial probabilistic information -- more informative orders for comparing decisions can be given than the Pareto order. We discuss some interesting properties of the proposed orders between decision options and show how they can be concretely computed by linear optimization. We conclude the paper by demonstrating our framework in an artificial (but quite real-world) example in the context of comparing algorithms under different performance measures.
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Different types of mental rotation tests have been used extensively in psychology to understand human visual reasoning and perception. Understanding what an object or visual scene would look like from another viewpoint is a challenging problem that is made even harder if it must be performed from a single image. We explore a controlled setting whereby questions are posed about the properties of a scene if that scene was observed from another viewpoint. To do this we have created a new version of the CLEVR dataset that we call CLEVR Mental Rotation Tests (CLEVR-MRT). Using CLEVR-MRT we examine standard methods, show how they fall short, then explore novel neural architectures that involve inferring volumetric representations of a scene. These volumes can be manipulated via camera-conditioned transformations to answer the question. We examine the efficacy of different model variants through rigorous ablations and demonstrate the efficacy of volumetric representations.
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Micron-scale robots (ubots) have recently shown great promise for emerging medical applications, and accurate control of ubots is a critical next step to deploying them in real systems. In this work, we develop the idea of a nonlinear mismatch controller to compensate for the mismatch between the disturbed unicycle model of a rolling ubot and trajectory data collected during an experiment. We exploit the differential flatness property of the rolling ubot model to generate a mapping from the desired state trajectory to nominal control actions. Due to model mismatch and parameter estimation error, the nominal control actions will not exactly reproduce the desired state trajectory. We employ a Gaussian Process (GP) to learn the model mismatch as a function of the desired control actions, and correct the nominal control actions using a least-squares optimization. We demonstrate the performance of our online learning algorithm in simulation, where we show that the model mismatch makes some desired states unreachable. Finally, we validate our approach in an experiment and show that the error metrics are reduced by up to 40%.
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The last decade has witnessed the breakthrough of deep neural networks (DNNs) in many fields. With the increasing depth of DNNs, hundreds of millions of multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operations need to be executed. To accelerate such operations efficiently, analog in-memory computing platforms based on emerging devices, e.g., resistive RAM (RRAM), have been introduced. These acceleration platforms rely on analog properties of the devices and thus suffer from process variations and noise. Consequently, weights in neural networks configured into these platforms can deviate from the expected values, which may lead to feature errors and a significant degradation of inference accuracy. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a framework to enhance the robustness of neural networks under variations and noise. First, a modified Lipschitz constant regularization is proposed during neural network training to suppress the amplification of errors propagated through network layers. Afterwards, error compensation is introduced at necessary locations determined by reinforcement learning to rescue the feature maps with remaining errors. Experimental results demonstrate that inference accuracy of neural networks can be recovered from as low as 1.69% under variations and noise back to more than 95% of their original accuracy, while the training and hardware cost are negligible.
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